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The King James Bible BBC Documentary

This documentary is about the long process of the creation of one of the most famous and commonly used translations of the Bible. After watching the documentary, I can see why this version is so popular. It keeps the awe-inspiring emotions for the scenes while still using English that the people of today can understand. Many of the older translations of the Bible use language that is so old it almost seems foreign, making it difficult to enjoy reading. Other readings are more recent but lose the intensity and emotion that the older Bibles maintain. The King James version is like the best of both worlds. The speaker uses John 21: 4,6 as an example. At 26:03 of the video he reads, "...Jesus stood on the shore: but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus and he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find." (KJV; John 21: 4, 6). He then reads a more modern translation for comparison. He reads, "...There stood Jesus on the beach, s but the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. He said, 'Shoot the net to starboard, and you will make a catch.'" (Katapi New Study Bible; John 21: 4, 6). The modern Katapi version loses much of the marvelous feelings that most Bible readings give. Without the King James version of the Bible, many people would have drifted away from the church. This translation helped youth to read and understand the Bible correctly so they could practice their faith with ease.

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