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Paradise Lost, Book 2

Book 2 of Paradise Lost is like the beginning of an plan. Satan and the other devils debate on what to do about God and Heaven. In the end they all agree that they will corrupt God's newest creation, "man". That way they can all tempt the mortals on the new "Earth". Satan sets off to go find "man" in which he meets two large creatures guarding the gates of hell. One is described as a creature resembling Scylla from "Call of Cthulhu" (this may even be where she comes from) and the other is death. After Satan tells them of his evil plan they decide to aid him and let him pass the gates. He then runs into Chaos and others who initially want to stop him but once the devil tell them of his plan again they agree to let him pass. The chapter ends with Satan continuing his search.

A visual interpretation of Scylla

A visual interpretation of Scylla

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