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Oroonoko is sad. Literally everything goes wrong for Oroonoko in the story. Every time something good happens and it seems like his life is gonna be ok, it turns bad again. First he falls in love, then the king steals his love, then Oroonoko gets a night with his love, then she is sold off, then Oroonoko wins a battle, then he is kidnapped and sold into slavery in another country. Although his new owner reconnects him with his love, she gets pregnant, then they try and escape to freedom for their family. This fails so Oroonoko is then separated from his family. Then his wife gives him permission to kill her and the baby so that they do not have to suffer in life anymore. Oroonoko wants revenge on his owner after he kills them. The revenge fails and instead Oroonoko gets very sick and is hanged until his body falls apart and dies.

There is one quote that stuck with me when I read this story. That is, "time lessens all extremes, and reduces ’em to mediums, and unconcern." (p.1027) This belief is most likely how Oroonoko got through his life that was full of sorrows. Even though it is an incredibly sad thing to believe, it is kind of true. Things that may have seemed like that were catastrophes in the moment will seem like nothing years later.

This story is a roller-coaster of emotions for Oroonoko and the reader. I just wanted him to have a happy ending but I didn't even get that.

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