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Sir Philip Sidney, from Defense of Poesy and Astrophil and Stella; Christopher Marlowe, “The Passion

Defense of Poesy is Sir Philip Sidney's reasons why poetry is necessary. He argues that poets were the first to bring learning and education to society by being the first philosophers. He mentions their power to create new words with new meanings into new places with new creatures. He mentions how historians are stuck with only the current world and its history while poets can make up any world they want. He does not believe poetry is filled with lying and sin but instead believes it is a work of art and beauty.

Astrophil and Stella is about an on going love affair between a man, Astrophil, and a woman, Stella. Stella does not initially love him and eventually marries a different man. While miserable in her marriage she begins to fall in love with Astrophil. He tries to get Stella to break her vows and cheat on her husband with him. He even kisses her without her permission. She eventually ends the affair knowing that she must stick to her vows to God in her marriage.

"The Passionate Shepherd to his Love" is a poem one large agreement. The narrator is asking his love to be with him and love him in return. He promises her many wonderful things as long as she enjoys them and loves him in return. He promises her lovely views of nature and handmade items that he will make himself. The reader never gets to hear the lover's answer and is left to make their own assumption of how they answered his request.

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